The world of gloves: which type is the most suitable for your business?

The world of gloves: which type is the most suitable for your business?

Some of the most common materials for gloves are neoprene, polyvinyl chloride, nitrile, butyl, and latex. The main difference between them is their resistance to specific substances and whether they’re biodegradable or not.

In other words, there are plenty of different types of gloves out there and sometimes it’s difficult to understand what we need or what leaves the least mark on our environment.

Let’s focus on the 3 most common types of gloves: nitrile, vinyl and latex.

Nitrile gloves are made out of synthetic rubber and are typically petroleum-based. They are very puncture-resistant and great for people with latex allergies. Vinyl gloves, on the other hand, are more used in situations where durability and protection are a lower priority. They’re also non-biodegradable, but they’re usually a bit cheaper than the other two types.

Latex gloves are made out of rubber - an extract of the Pará rubber tree. They’re very popular in the healthcare industry and the main reason why people would choose gloves made from a different material are latex allergies. However, latex is a natural, biodegradable material, making latex gloves the most environmentally-friendly option among the three.

When searching for the most suitable glove material, you should also consider the differences between powdered and powder-free gloves.

For instance, powdered latex gloves have added cornstarch, so that they’re easier to put on and slide faster on the hands. Powder prevents the skin from irritation by harsh chemicals and it also helps keep your employees’ hands dry. The biggest drawback is that some people are allergic to the powder, so make sure you also have powder-free options at your disposal. Gloves without powder are very common in the food industry, because they don’t leave any residue behind.

Pricewise, powder-free gloves are usually more expensive, because all gloves are made with powder, but it later undergoes a specific process in order to be removed.

As you can see, you have a lot of choices, so make sure you cater to your business’ needs and provide your employees with the most suitable gloves. We can help with that – just check out our variety of different gloves and choose those you think are the most fitting! 

Posted: Wednesday 30 March 2016
